Chante-Cévennes, Nature, Comfort, Tourism
Christine and Emmanuel

We're delighted to welcome you to our domain, our paradise, our Cevennes.

An orange and blue sunset over the immense Séranne mountains,

that's all it took for us to move to Le FROUZET in 2015.

Seeing the infinite potential of the piece of forest we had just acquired, we quickly closed our already ten-year old general electrical contracting business to devote ourselves to the construction of the estate's buildings, their maintenance, their improvement and, last but not least, to welcoming you.

From now on, all of you will enhance our life with your smiles, your comments, your ideas...

Whether you're holidaymakers or trainees at the nearby "Hameau de l'étoile", don't be surprised to find us sharing our passion for the sun, the blue sky, the stones, the mountains, the rivers, the roads and paths, the thousand songs that rustle through the Cévennes.

Like us, you'll be charmed by the sound of birds, the trickle of river water, the high-pitched whistle of birds of prey, the dazzling light pierced by the song of exuberant cicadas.

All the Cévennes sing of life, all life sings in the Cévennes.

That's why we call ourselves "CHANTE-CEVENNES".

As soon as we settled in, we were impressed by the beauty and wealth of tourism in the Montpellier hinterland. It's going to take us years to get around it...

Why don't you come and stay with us for a few days and tell us about your thousand and one discoveries, while we tell you about ours ? 

why "Chante-cévennes" ?


The Domain is called "Chante-Cévennes" and it is not by chance.

On this piece of forest, life expresses itself loudly.

First of all, it is the birds that stand out.

Hoopoe, Little Owl, European Oriole, Turtle Dove, European Starling,

Buzzard, Kite, Cuckoo, Jay of the Oaks, Music thrush, Wagtail,

Tree finch, Chickadee, Blue tit, Robin,


Then, there are the distant barks of the roe deer, the yelps of the foxes which discuss the fallen evening, the grumblings of the wild boars which pass busily on the neighbouring grounds...

Without forgetting of course the song of the cicadas, which start their serenade from 25°C.

From time to time, the song of the wind supplants with its whistling the joyful symphony of life which sings the existence, which sings the Cevennes, which sings-Cevennes...

Winged Miscellany :

chickens !


And as if the singing of wild birds were not enough for the domain,

we have added 6 laying hens that cackle like crazy !

Tribute to our chickens and flowers of the field, by Chanteclerc 


"When your ridges of blood,
Appearing, disappearing, reappearing,
Will have, over there, among the sage and the borage,
Look like poppies playing hide and seek,
Do not harm the real poppies!
The shepherdesses, counting the stitches of the knits,
Walk on the grass, without knowing that it is infamous
To crush a flower even with a woman:
You, my hens, be full of touching care
For these flowers whose crime is to grow in the fields.
The wild carrot has the right to be beautiful.
If on the exquisite platform of an umbel
A red insect dotted with black walks,
Pick the walker, but not the walker!"

(Edmond ROSTAND)


If we can't welcome your pets on the domain, it's because in addition to an important wild fauna, there are also more or less domesticated animals, first of all our different cats, real cuddling machines :

If there is a lot of animal life, it is because there are a lot of trees, plants, flowers and fruits.

From the first year, we have populated the forest of holm oaks and white oaks with species adapted to the region. Walnut, almond, fig, arbutus, hazelnut, plum, plum tree, cherry, umbrella pine, hackberry, oak.

We have also given their chance to grafted fruit trees (apricot, cherry trees) and some more exotic species, such as plaqueminier or Judas tree.

Finally, the whole domain is populated with bamboos of different species which are very happy with us and which share the specificity of having edible shoots and attracting birds for nesting.